video - Android FFMPEG: Could not execute the ffmpeg from Java code -
i working on android app want create video list of static images. after doing search on internet, made me realized using "ffmpeg" way go in getting thing done. got hold of site: downloaded c library , java wrapper. able compile c library - of course not way instruction laid out - still able "ffmpeg" executable under /external/android-ffmpeg/ffmpeg directory. copied executable in current directory , copied directory under android app can access it. called provided java wrapper seeing errors in log file follows: 08-13 11:55:37.848: d/ffmpeg(29598): /data/data/com.sample/app_bin/ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i /storage/emulated/0/usersnapshot/ffmpeg/image%03d.jpg -r 25 -t 2 -qscale 5 /storage/emulated/0/video/snapshot-video.mp4 08-13 11:55:37.898: i/shellcallback : shellout()(29598): /data/data/com.sample/app_bin/ffmpeg[1]: syntax error: '(' unexpected 08-13 11:55:37.938: i/shellcallback : processcomplete()(29