go - How to compare HTML markup in Golang? -

i'm trying come test suite checks html fragments/files canonically equivalent 1 another. surprised see if parse same string or file, https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/net/html#node comparing different. missing?

hopefully demonstrates issue:

package main  import (     "fmt"     "strings"      "golang.org/x/net/html" )  func main() {     s := `<h1>     test     </h1><p>foo</p>`     // s2 := `<h1>test</h1><p>foo</p>`      doc, _ := html.parse(strings.newreader(s))     doc2, _ := html.parse(strings.newreader(s))      if doc == doc2 {         fmt.println("html same") // expected     } else {         fmt.println("html not same") // got     } } 

html not same

the simplest way use reflection, since html.parse returns *node object. comparing 2 of objects in go need reflect.deepequal.

if reflect.deepequal(doc, doc2) {                                              fmt.println("html same")  } else {         fmt.println("html not same")                          } 

this prints out "html same".


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