laravel - PDOException in Connector.php line 55: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) -

my .env:

app_env=local app_debug=true app_key=myappkey app_url=http://localhost  db_connection=mysql db_host=localhost db_port=3306 db_database=gestiontaller db_username=root db_password='root'  cache_driver=file session_driver=file queue_driver=sync  redis_host= redis_password=null redis_port=6379  mail_driver=smtp mail_port=2525 mail_username=null mail_password=null mail_encryption=null 

i've tried password ", ' , without, restarting server every time. i've tried changing localhost yes, password correct, running mysql -u root -p introducing password root in prompt can go mysql. users table:

+------------------+-----------+ | user             | host      | +------------------+-----------+ | debian-sys-maint | localhost | | mysql.sys        | localhost | | root             | localhost | | root1            | localhost | +------------------+-----------+ 

i've added homestead.yaml this: database_port: 3306

using php artisan tinker i'm not having problems database creating , adding items, when trying acces view through controller:

class testcontroller extends controller {     public function view ($id){          $car = car::find($id);          $car->category;         $car->user;         $car->tags;          dd($car);     } } 

i've tried multiple times php artisan config:clear.


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