How do I start this javascript code on click -

edited: ok, didn't explain well. have added button in html. when click that, alerts , asks user enter questions , answers. doesn't push array cards themselves.

i have hacked simple javascript flash card program. starts on page load. how make start on click of single <button>? i've tried enclosing entire code in function user inputs create array don't passed flashcards -- assume because separate functions. i'm not explaining well. want entire program run on click of 1 button. appreciate help.

#flashcardfront {     margin-top: 100px;     margin-left: 400px;     width: 300px;     height: 50px;     background-color: black;     color: white;     font-family: arial;     font-size: 22px;     text-align: center;     padding: 50px 0;     display: block; }  a:link {     text-decoration: none; }  #number {     color: red;     position: relative;     left: -120px;     top: 30px; } 
<div>     <button onclick='cards();'>button</button>     <a id="flashcardfront" href="#" onclick="flashcards();"></a> </div>     
var myarray = [];                                 (var = 0; < 2; i++) {              // # of loops    myarray.push(prompt('enter question ' + (i+1))); // push value array   myarray.push(prompt('enter answer ' + (i+1))); // push value array } /*var myarray = [   "q: what's name?", 'a: heck no.',   'q: age?', "a: cool kids don't say.",   'q: fave rocker?', 'a: paul gilbert' ];*/ var myindex = 0;  function renderquestion(index) {   // render number if index   var str = myarray[index]   if (index % 2 == 0) {     str += '<br><span class="question-number">' + (index / 2 + 1) + '</span>'   }   return str }  function flashcards() {   var flashcardfront = document.getelementbyid('flashcardfront');   flashcardfront.innerhtml = renderquestion(myindex);   myindex = (myindex + 1) % (myarray.length); }  flashcards() 

i think issue here myindex global. first time flashcards runs, increments index length of array, next time runs (in click handler) it's @ end of array. set 0 @ beginning of flashcards.


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