python - How do I write a YAML file using a dictionary with long keys and values? -

i have python dictionary has 25-30 key-value pairs. keys long strings (20-30 characters), , values can 1-10 lines long embedded new-lines, etc.

i write file using yaml, if use yaml.dump not readable, because of length of data. file following example:

this_is_my_very_long_key_1    : "this value key 1" this_is_a_shorter_key         : "this value                                 key" 

i finding yaml documentation sparse.

i tried using default_flow_style=false or true, , looked better no-flow, that's not wanted.

you can limit width of line passing width parameter dump method.

yaml.dump(d,  width=20, default_flow_style=false) 


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