html - send response HTTP 200 SUCCESS in php -

i need send http 200 response string 'success', php server version 5.2.17!

in case, webhook sends data capture file called notification.php, read contentes, save in database , need send response not know how this!

does know how in php 5.2.17?

i tried following ways without success:

// error 1 header("content-type: text/plain"); echo "success";  // error 2 $httpstatuscode = 200; $httpstatusmsg  = 'success'; $protocol = isset($_server['server_protocol']) ? $_server['server_protocol'] : 'http/1.0'; header($protocol.' '.$httpstatuscode.' '.$httpstatusmsg);  // error 3 header("200 success"); return "200 success";  // error 4 header('content-type: application/json'); echo 'success';  // error 5 header('content-type: application/json'); return 'success';  //error 6 header('content-type: application/json'); header('success');  ///error 7 header('content-type: application/json'); $success =json_encode('success'); header($success);   ///error 8 header("http/1.1 200 success"); header("content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8");  ///error 9 header("http/1.1 200"); header("content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8"); result 'success';  //error 10 header("content-type:application/json;"); header('http/1.0 200 success');  // error 11 $code = 200; $text = 'ok'; $protocol = (isset($_server['server_protocol']) ? $_server['server_protocol'] : 'http/1.0'); header($protocol . ' ' . $code . ' ' . $text); $globals['http_response_code'] = $code; echo 'success'; 

my phpcode

<?php  $src_data = $_request["data"];             $une_data = stripslashes($src_data);  $data = json_decode($une_data);   //get payment data  $id_cob  = $data->payment->id;  $id_cus  = $data->payment->customer;  $status  = $data->payment->status;  $dtsts   = date("y-m-d");   if ($data->event == 'payment_received') { // post client include('dbconnection.php'); $qryn  = "update payments set status='$status', datastatus='$dtsts' id_cob_asaas='$id_cob' , id_cli_asaas='$id_cus'";     mysql_query($qryn,$cnx);  }   // webhook return // solution was: header('http/1.1 200 ok'); echo 'success'; return;  ?> 


$code = 200; $text = 'ok'; $protocol = (isset($_server['server_protocol']) ? $_server['server_protocol'] : 'http/1.0'); header($protocol . ' ' . $code . ' ' . $text); $globals['http_response_code'] = $code; echo 'success'; 


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