soap - python suds UsernameToken -


security = security() token = usernametoken('b77a5c561934e089', 'kmfhknzyn1u/pgaiy3+h0bohdki=') security.tokens.append(token) client.set_options(wsse=security) 

my problem one: when including usernametoken, receive kind of header:

   <soap-env:header>       <wsse:security mustunderstand="true">          <wsse:usernametoken>             <wsse:username>b77a5c561934e089</wsse:username>             <wsse:password>kmfhknzyn1u/pgaiy3+h0bohdki=</wsse:password>          </wsse:usernametoken>       </wsse:security>    </soap-env:header> 

but need response requirement on web service:

<sp:signedsupportingtokens xmlns:sp="">   <wsp:policy>     <sp:usernametoken sp:includetoken="">       <wsp:policy>         <sp:wssusernametoken10 />       </wsp:policy>     </sp:usernametoken>   </wsp:policy> </sp:signedsupportingtokens> 

how can suds? searched whole internet, didnt find solution.

your code soap generic solution. web service seems require custom response.

i presume authentication not work?

try marshall response requester class. plugin allows modify soap envelope. can add own attributes.

class myrequesterclass(object):      class _myservicemarshalled(messageplugin):          def marshalled(self, context):             commons.set_service_common_header(context, "yourservice")              body = context.envelope.getchild('body')             service = body.getchild("childwhereyouwantaddyourcustomxml")              service.attributes.append(attribute("sp:includetoken", ""))              etc, etc 


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