c++ - SDL2 not recieving any events at all -

in sdl2 project, sdl_pollevents( sdl_event* e ) doesn't send events, , allways returns 0, can't process events. event processing loop looks fine :

sdl_event e;  while( sdl_pollevent( &e ) > 0 ) {     //this never reached !     printf( "recieved event %d\n", e.type );      switch(e.type)     {         case sdl_quit:             quit = true;     } } 

on other hand, compiles fine, drawing works, , i'm sure it's not stuck in infinite loop ( made print out message @ each frame ).

i link against sdl2 , other dependencies, make gcc/g++ call sdl-config --cflags. how can fixed ?

you shouldn't call sdl-config --cflags. sdl ( first version of library ), not sdl2. somehow conflicts , stops events reaching sdl_pollevents(). remove , should work !


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