c# - NHibernate cascade setting on child -

i try learn nhibernate first time. i'm using book: nhibernate2

there don't understand. on "contact.hbm.xml" mapping file there defined mapping orderheader table. orderheader table has 2 foreign keys contact table: "billtocontact_id" , "shiptocontact_id".

<bag name="billtoorderheaders" inverse="true" lazy="true"           cascade="all-delete-orphan">       <key column="billtocontact_id"/>       <one-to-many class="ordering.data.orderheader, ordering.data"/>     </bag>     <bag name="shiptoorderheaders" inverse="true" lazy="true"          cascade="all-delete-orphan">       <key column="shiptocontact_id"/>       <one-to-many class="ordering.data.orderheader, ordering.data"/>     </bag> 

in mapping have cascade="all-delete-orphan". aa understand, necessary set on primary table.

then mapping on orderheader table is:

<many-to-one name="billtocontact" class="ordering.data.contact, ordering.data">       <column name="billtocontact_id" not-null="false"/>     </many-to-one>     <many-to-one name="shiptocontact" class="ordering.data.contact, ordering.data">       <column name="shiptocontact_id" not-null="false"/>     </many-to-one> 

when try save new data:

        isessionfactory sessionfactory = cfg.buildsessionfactory();         isession session = sessionfactory.opensession();         itransaction tx = session.begintransaction();         contact contact = new contact("joe", "jones", "joeyj@waywardone.com");          address address = new address("2000 e. captive way", null, "madville", "ma", "78701");         address.contact = contact;         contact.addresses = new list<address>();         contact.addresses.add(address);          orderheader header = new orderheader();         header.number = "0000001";         header.orderdate = datetime.now;         header.billtocontact = contact;         header.billtoaddress = address;         header.shiptocontact = contact;         header.shiptoaddress = address;         session.saveorupdate(header);         tx.commit(); 

i error: object references unsaved transient instance - save transient instance before flushing. type: ordering.data.contact, entity: ordering.data.contact

then have defined cascade inside child table mapping:

<many-to-one name="billtocontact" class="ordering.data.contact, ordering.data" cascade="all-delete-orphan">       <column name="billtocontact_id" not-null="false"/>     </many-to-one>     <many-to-one name="shiptocontact" class="ordering.data.contact, ordering.data" >       <column name="shiptocontact_id" not-null="false"/>     </many-to-one> 

i don't understand this. if add cascade="all-delete-orphan" billtocontact mapping or shiptocontact mapping, works. doesn't matter, 1 of them must have setting.

as read if cascade define on parent, doesn't have defined on child. if must on child, logically on both mapping not on 1 of them(doesn't matter one).

can explain?

i guess problem of order. if tries store address first, there no cascade on address.contact.

  • either cascade insert-update address.contact,
  • or explicitly add contact before stored.


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