Angularjs and IE10 no post data when saving resource -

i'm having trouble figuring out why models not getting saved in angularjs when using ie10. working in ie8, 9, chrome , firefox. problem seeing using fiddler no post data getting sent request. request fired right place, post data @ all. post.

i have code follows:

app.factory('things', function($resource){         return $resource('/api/v1/thing\\/', {}, {               query: {method:'get', params:{},isarray:true}});         });{     'user': {         'first_name':$("#student_first_name").val(),         'last_name':$("#student_last_name").val()     }, function(){         //console.log("success");                }, function(){         //console.log("error adding student.");     }}); 

i using django on backend tastypie.


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