android - Locate Ble Device GATT service recommend -

im pretty new android programming i'd know if possible implement location service locate ble devices discovered on our app.

im having trouble understanding different specs bluetooth , examples using heart rate monitor. quite overwhelming considering wide range of service , characterististics choose from. suggestions ?

also, there other examples me coding profile ? showing location of discovered ble device if possible.

please me understand better. in advance

i quite new topic, too, please don't count on answer.

as understand whole topic, can make peripheral ble device send position client. therefore might need programm peripheral device has location service enabled. therefore need matching uuid think. can "advertise" location of peripheral client (your smartphone). still don't know though, how exactly. know this? starter kit software examples , explaining texts, maybe helps.

if found out how deal problem, happy hear, if thread seems forgotten everyone.


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