web crawler - Does Googlebot and other spiders always pull the latest content? -

i understand using following meta tags prevent caching web browsers not proxies:

<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"> 

however, using cache headers server-side prevent caching entirely.

my pages simple .html files, not dynamic (e.g., not .php). if use above meta tags, considering proxies may still cache pages, googlebot , other spiders pull latest content of site, or possibly not pull latest content since not setting cache headers server-side?

using meta tags, or http headers no different bot meant convey suggestion requesting agent. if agent (google bot or proxy) set adhere protocol, pages wont't cached.

however, bear in mind there flexibilities around , both proxies , se bots may react in different manner event though asked not-cache page.

you have remember scope of google index page, , long can crawl can done or without cache tag, though impeding cache retained may lead complication on side.


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