vba - Creating folder in ftp server -

i have vbscript file see below:

set oshell = createobject("shell.application") set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set objsb = createobject("system.text.stringbuilder")  yesterday = dateadd("d", -1, date) foldername = sprintf("{0:yyyymmdd}", array(yesterday)) & ".opentrades"  fullpath = "c:\test\" & foldername  call ftpupload(fullpath, foldername)  sub ftpupload(fullpath, foldername)     const copytype = 16     waittime = 80000     ftpuser = "username"     ftppass = "password"     ftphost = "hostname"     ftpdir = "/1/"      strftp = "ftp://" & ftpuser & ":" & ftppass & "@" & ftphost & ftpdir     set objftp = oshell.namespace(strftp)      'upload files in folder     if objfso.folderexists(fullpath)         set objfolder = oshell.namespace(fullpath)         wscript.echo "uploading folder " & fullpath & " " & strftp         objftp.copyhere objfolder.items, copytype     end if      if err.number <> 0         wscript.echo "error: " & err.description     end if      'wait upload     wscript.sleep waittime end sub  function sprintf(sfmt, adata)     objsb.appendformat_4 sfmt, (adata)     sprintf = objsb.tostring()     objsb.length = 0 end function 

the script copies files in specified directory (fullpath variable) target directory (ftpdir variable). want create new folder having name stored in foldername variable in ftp server , copy files newly created folder. i'm new vbscript , open advices.

thanks in advance,

replace line set objfolder = oshell.namespace(fullpath) with

set objfolder = oshell.namespace(objfso.getparentfoldername(fullpath))

and objftp.copyhere objfolder.items, copytype with

objftp.copyhere objfolder.parsename(objfso.getfilename(fullpath)), copytype

then should work.

with this, local namespace parent folder of fullpath , foldername item copied remote directory.


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