python - Odoo: test unique constraint? -

it looks odoo fails @ testing unique constraint.

i have added constraint:

_sql_constraints = [(     'uniq_line',     'unique(routing_phase_id, project_id)',     'phase have unique per routing!') ] 

constraint works, running unittest, can't test it.

i tried this:

from psycopg2 import integrityerror  self.assertraises(integrityerror):      self.env['project.routing.line'].create(         self.project_routing_line_1.copy_data()[0]) 

i error, when running test:

2016-05-28 13:59:16,575 19786 error pas_test openerp.sql_db: bad query: insert "project_routing_line" ("id", "routing_phase_id", "sequence", "next_routing_phase_id", "duration", "project_id", "return_routing_phase_id", "need_approve", "create_uid", "write_uid", "create_date", "write_date") values(nextval('project_routing_line_id_seq'), 1, 5, null, 10.0, 5, 3, false, 1, 1, (now() @ time zone 'utc'), (now() @ time zone 'utc')) returning id traceback (most recent call last):   file "/home/oerp/openerp80/odoo/openerp/", line 234, in execute     res = self._obj.execute(query, params) integrityerror: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "project_routing_line_uniq_line" detail:  key (routing_phase_id, project_id)=(1, 5) exists 

so don't it, test catches integrityeror (or not?), odoo still tries create record of course fails. doing wrong here?


i started thinking, maybe because sql constraint, python not catch such exceptions @ right time (like using assertraises) because happens after python validations? explain why test fails.

encountered issue myself , found existing test used odoo themselves.

they use'openerp.sql_db') decorator on methods testing integrityerror raised.

i added decorator test method , worked. guess integrityerror being logged squelches exception being raised.


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