javascript - Can't display an image using angularJS -

hi i'm still new angularjs , spring mvc, server working fine when test on own can see image in client side it's not working , i'm having error in console angular.js:3153 data:image/jpeg;base64,{} net::err_invalid_url please.

@requestmapping(value = "/getimg/{id}", method = requestmethod.get)     @responsebody     public void getimg(@pathvariable long id, httpservletresponse response) throws ioexception {         bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();         response.setheader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=productimg.png");         model model = modelrepo.findbyid(id);         model.geturlimg();         fileinputstream in = new fileinputstream(model.geturlimg());         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];         int len;         while ((len = != -1) {             response.getoutputstream().write(buffer, 0, len);         }          response.setcontenttype("image");      } 


getimg : function(id)                         {                             return $http                             .get(                                     ''+id,                                     {responsetype : 'arraybuffer'})                             .then(                                     function(response) {                                         return;                                     },                                     function(errresponse) {                                         console                                                 .error('error while fetching clients');                                         return $q.reject(errresponse);                                     });                         }, 


$scope.getimg = function(id,$compileprovider) {     productservice.getimg(id).then(function(data) {         $scope.image=data; console.log($scope.image +"***************");        }, function(errresponse) {         console.error('error while fetching allpdts');     }); }; 

in html code:

<img ng-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{image}}"> 


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