java - no target device found android studio 2.1.1 -

i'm using android studio 2.1.1 in ubuntu question is,i want run program through phone without emulator. chose target usb device whenever run this,below mentioned error rasing.

error running app : no target device found.

i checked device using adb devices command in terminal. adithya@adithya-lenovo-b460e:~$ adb devices list of devices attached 59v8i7hejjwggmk7 device

i tried selecting of mtp & ptp.but nothing worked out. kindly me solve problem..

i had problem before.

choose "run" "edit configurations". in "general" tab, check "deployment target options" section.

in case, target set "usb device" , checkbox "use same device future launches" checked.

i had change target "show device chooser dialog" , unchecked check box. device appeared in list.


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