html - Google directions table not resizing correctly -

i have problem google directions based website not adapting small mobile screens correctly. here issue on picture below: enter image description here

in chrome not shrinking below 395 px width problem, because lot of mobile phones have screen smaller width, part of information not visible. in firefox doesn't go below 307 px width, not huge issue if go little bit more under this. chrome inspect found problem starts, on html table element "adp-directions" class. image below. enter image description here tried changing width of class 100%, , fixed width below 395px not go under 395px. tried putting !important in css overwrite other styles might not see, still nothing... if can please me somehow because stuck here , don't know else do... here link site: link

try put media query font size smaller view

@media (max-width:420px){table.adp-directions { font-size: 12px !important;}} solve question. if don't reducing font size comment.


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