hadoop - HBase KeyValue.maxSize cannot be disabled -

i have added

 <property>     <name>hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize</name>      <value>0</value>      </property> 

in hbase-site.xml.

i changed hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize value hbase-0.94.27/docs/hbase-default.xml , set 0

<glossentry id="hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize">     <glossterm>          <varname>hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize</varname>     </glossterm>     <glossdef>          <para>default: <varname>0</varname></para>    </glossdef> </glossentry> 

and change hbase-0.94.27/src/main/resources/hbase-default.xml , set 0

 <property>     <name>hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize</name>     <value>0</value>  </property> 

and set on java

configuration config = hbaseconfiguration.create();           config.setint("hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize", 0); 

none of them disabled keyvalue.maxsize. there way disable checking keyvalue size?

first thing, on right place hbase-default.xml (not sure have restarted after setting applied)

if 0 not working you, can try less 0 described in description tag of screenshot.

enter image description here

tip 1: print hbase configuration can use statement caller, print configuration entries different sources (either system properties or xml entries in unified way). check whether changes in setting applied or not.


tip 2: master , region server configurations can dumped using http services. e.g. "http://master:16010/dump"

second thing, (which precaution) hbase not recommended high data stoage 1 cell, may enter in oom.

for ex:  keyvalue size large @ org. apache. hadoop. hbase.  client. hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize <value. (3896):  java.lang.outofmemoryerror: bitmap size exceeds large  size of 16mb, throw out of memory. 

on side note, if have 200mb values put hbase, recommend write in file in hdfs (almost 2 blocks!) , write reference file hbase... or other way.


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