angularjs - Waiting for element by.css() in protractor -

i have code in $scope.$broadcast triggers event executes element.addclass()

code in controller

ctrlr.rolldice = function(){  .... stuff   $scope.$broadcast('eventtype', args); } 

code in directive

scope.$on('eventtype', function(){ element.addclass('class'); }); 

i trying wait until event has fired , element.addclass executed in protractor test using

browser.wait(element(by.css('.activate')).ispresent,15000).then(function(ispresent){       expect(ispresent).tobe(true);     }); 

however, following error

typeerror: cannot read property 'getwebelements' of undefined

how wait element class .activate show up ??

note element can random visible element set class. if run project in actual web browser....everything runs successfully.

try this:

browser.wait(() => $('.activate')).ispresent() ,15000); expect($('.activate').ispresent()).tobe(true); 

or es5 version

browser.wait(function() {   return $('.activate').ispresent(); }, 15000); expect($('.activate').ispresent()).tobe(true); 

note: element(by.css('.abc')) === $('.abc')


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