ruby on rails - Accessing a HABTM join table in the view -

i working on creating shopping lists in app , struggling understand methods of using join table return desired attributes of inventory_item in views. want return these attributes of inventory_item in lists - :price, :vendor, :name, :details, :brand. have these relevant models:

what best practice working join table in view? can suggest simple console testing familiarize myself practice? in advance!

class inventoryitem < activerecord::base     belongs_to  :item, :foreign_key => :item_id     belongs_to  :vendor     has_and_belongs_to_many :shopping_lists end  class item < activerecord::base     has_many    :inventory_items     has_many    :vendors, through: :inventory_items end  class shoppinglist < activerecord::base     has_and_belongs_to_many :inventory_items     belongs_to  :user end  class vendor < activerecord::base     has_many    :inventory_items     has_many    :items, through: :inventory_items     has_many    :shopping_list_items end  class user < activerecord::base  has_many :shopping_lists end 

thanks @grantovich able join table set accordingly:

class listitemjoin < activerecord::migration   def change     create_table :inventory_items_shopping_lists, id: false |t|         t.references :inventory_item         t.references :shopping_list     end      add_index :inventory_items_shopping_lists, :inventory_item_id     add_index :inventory_items_shopping_lists, :shopping_list_id     add_index :inventory_items_shopping_lists, [:inventory_item_id, :shopping_list_id], unique: true, :name => 'my_index'   end end 

i newish ror, critiques or suggestions appreciated, thank you!

you can like

<ul>   <% @shopping_list.inventory_items.each |item| %>     <li><%= item.price %></li>     <li><%= item.vendor %></li>   <% end %> </ul> 

and on. same thing @vendor.items


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