readfile - Trying to read formatted file in C -

i'm trying read formatted file in c sample line of file:

surname;name;minutes'seconds''one-hundredths of second

i wrote code:

 while(!feof(fp))  {     fscanf(fp,"%[^;]s",surname);     fscanf(fp,"%c",&c);     fscanf(fp,"%[^;]s",name);     fscanf(fp,"%c",&c);     fscanf(fp,"%d'%d''%d",&min,&sec,&sec_cent);     fscanf(fp,"\n"); } 

it works name , surname strings, doesn't extract time minutes'seconds''one-hundredths of second , don't know why

can me?

there couple of things may want change in code:

  • always check return value of scanf (or fscanf) see if data read.
  • don't use feof() control loop.
  • you don't need extract '\n' scanf, unless going use getline() afterwards.
  • you don't need s too, format specifier, should prevent buffer overflows limiting number of chars read each field.
  • you can use modifier %*c skip char (the ;).

this should fine:

int min = 0, sec = 0, sec_cent = 0; char name[128], surname[128];  while ( fscanf(fp, "%127[^;]%*c%127[^;]%*c%2d'%2d''%2d", surname, name,                                                          &min, &sec, &sec_cent) == 5 ) {     // something... } 


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