javascript - moment.js add month but bad format -

i'm using moment.js manipulate dates. have value stored in field, value et add 1 month. here code:

var mydate = $('#crueventmodal #rdvstartdate').val(); alert('date get:' + mydate); // get: 25-05-2016 mydate = moment(mydate).format("dd-mm-yyyy");  alert('date transformed:' + mydate); // get: nan-nan-0nan var new_date = moment(mydate, "dd-mm-yyyy").add('months', 1); alert('end date: ' + new_date); // get: -62164630800000 

but result: 25-06-2016

help please?

format used format momentjs date, not specify how parse it. if want parse string date specific format, should use moment(string, format). have at documentation here.

var mydate = "25-05-2016";  console.log('date get: ' + mydate);  mydate = moment(mydate, "dd-mm-yyyy");    console.log('date transformed: ' + mydate);  var new_date = moment(mydate, "dd-mm-yyyy").add(1, 'months'); // 'months' should come                                                                // after 1 latest                                                                // versions.  console.log('end date: ' + new_date);  console.log('end date (human readable): ' + new_date.format("dd-mm-yyyy"));
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