html - Best way to attach icon left to a text -

i'm bad css, using bootstrap & set icon before

  • , i'd create "blog" talking bets , have add type of sport chose use icons in list

    screenshot here

    so tried can see it's not good, list supposed make 1 line, not 2, icon should @ left

    i tried deal ":before" didn't succeed, i'd way it, me change dynamically icon php (by updating list)

    what best way make ?

  • flexbox way align things these days. might started:

    ul {list-style:none;}  li {display:flex;align-items: center;}  img {margin-right:10px;}
    <ul>    <li><img src="" />  john doe</li>    <li><img src="" /> peter rabbit</li>  </ul>



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