annotations - How to annotate a code block in Java -

is possible annotate block of code? e.g. cycle or curly brackets? if so, how?

package an; import an.forcycle;  class first {     public static void main(string[] args) {         first f = new first();     }      public first () {          @forcycle         {   // error: illegal start of type {             int k;         }          @forcycle         (int = 0; < 5; i++) {   // similar error (illegal start...)             system.out.println(i);         }     } }

package an;  import java.lang.annotation.documented; import java.lang.annotation.elementtype; import java.lang.annotation.retention; import java.lang.annotation.retentionpolicy; import;  @retention(retentionpolicy.source) public @interface forcycle {} 


@target – indicates kinds of program element annotation type applicable. possible values type, method, constructor, field etc. if target meta-annotation not present, annotation can used on program element.

any program element (i guess) means block, doesn't it? why can't annotate block or for? missing?

thanks help

it means "any program element out of listed".

for final word on matter, 1 refers java language specification:

annotations may used modifiers in declaration, whether package, class (including enums), interface (including annotation types), field, method, formal parameter, constructor, or local variable.

annotations may used on enum constants.


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