swift - How to conform to protocol using subclass -

say have protocol

protocol a: class {   func configure(view: uiview) } 

now want conform protocol, using uilabel subclass of uiview

final class b: {   init() {}    func configure(view: uilabel) {    } } 

but errors

type b not conform protocol a

it seems swift needs same type stated in protocol. works

final class b: {   init() {}    func configure(view: uiview) {    } } 

but want use uilabel, how work around this?

you use associatedtype constrained of type uiview.

protocol a: class {     associatedtype view: uiview     func configure(view: view) } 

now in class b, since uilabel subclass of uiview, it's fine do:

final class b: {     init() {}      func configure(view: uilabel) {         ...     } } 


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