python - Using Numpy from -

i want use numpy in python script uses pandas process excel file. however, 1 of constraints file must named, causes import error. import error traced line from keyword import iskeyword _iskeyword in c:\python27\lib\, assume causes error because own overriding default keyword module. there way avoid collision?

not pretty, of

if true:      import imp, sys       keyword_loc = imp.find_module("keyword", sys.path[1:])[1]      imp.load_source("keyword", keyword_loc)  import collections print(collections.counter) 

fails attributeerror if replace true false, gives me

(2.7) dsm@notebook:~/coding/kw$ python  <class 'collections.counter'> 

as is. works finding out original keyword library , manually importing it. after this, following attempts import keyword see it's there.


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