python - Read from two serial ports asynchronously -

i'd read 2 (or more) serial ports (/dev/ttyusb0 etc) @ same time in python on linux. want read complete lines each port (whichever has data) , process results in order received (without race conditions). simple example write lines single merged file.

i assume way based on pyserial, can't quite figure out how it. pyserial has non-blocking reads using asyncio , using threads. asyncio marked experimental. assume there wouldn't race conditions if processing done in asyncio.protocol.data_received(). in case of threads, processing have protected mutex.

perhaps can done not in pyserial. 2 serial ports can opened files , read when data available using select().

you try take values in order , memorise in variables:

a = () b = () 

and after process in order:

if len (a) != 0 or len (b ) != 0:              process              process b 

using method if 1 or both of value has data, process it


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