javascript - Jquery Tabs: Accessing non default tab with url -

i using jquery tabs create 3 tabs , following html code

    <div id="sections" class="sections">       <ul class="sections" role="tablist">         <li class="active" role="presentation">           <a href="#user" aria-controls="user" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">user</a>         </li>         <li role="presentation">           <a href="#setting" aria-controls="setting" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">setting</a>         </li>         <li role="presentation">           <a href="#customer" aria-controls="customer" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">customer</a>         </li>                  </ul>        <div class="tab-content">         <section id="user" class="panel" role="tabpanel">             content here         </section>          <section id="setting" class="panel" role="tabpanel">             content here         </section>          <section id="customer" class="panel" role="tabpanel">             content here         </section>       </div> 

and initilizing tabs like


now when access page /#setting @ url end briefly opens user tab first before showing setting tab. how can avoid this?


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