javascript - Adding a div element to another part of the website when clicking a button -

i'm trying code jquery script adds functionality button. when click button (ex: settings), want add specific text (ex: settings), different div (the div predefined css rules), how google chrome tab works.

$(document).ready(function() {     var wbuttons = document.getelementbyid('#wrapper');     $(".buttonsettings").click(function() {         var domelement = $('<span>settings</span>').appendto(wbuttons);         $(this).after(domelement);     }); }); 

the code works partially, won't append #wrapper, under .buttonsettings div. should mention have predefined number of tabs (max 6).

thank you!

if want append html string element, use jquery appendto() method this.

$("button").click(function() {       $("<span>span content</span>").appendto("#wrapper");  });
<script src=""></script>  <button>append</button>  <br/><br/>  <div id="wrapper">wrapper content</div>


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