Installing MySQL libmysqlclient-dev and UDF files on Mac OSX -

i trying install following package on mac in order test api on local environment far have not succeeded.

i have tried various things such as:

brew install libmysqlclient-dev 

this produced following error:

error: no available formula name "libmysqlclient-dev"  ==> searching named formulae... error: no named formulae found. ==> searching taps... error: no formulae found in taps. 

i used working on centos not particularly familiar likes of apt , brew... can advise me on how best install on mac?

not sure if of relevance running mac osx 10.11.4 (el capitan).

i did not install mysql using brew install mysql, instead, followed instructions here:

try installing mysql-connector-c:

brew install mysql-connector-c 


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