android - How to use Nuclide debugger? -

i selected debugger >> launch/ attach , "type" "react native" , check "start packager".
"starting debugger" progress bar opens on right panel hangs after while , nothing happens. enter image description here

enter image description here

according this instruction should:

  1. from command palette (cmd-shift-p) choose "nuclide react native: start packager" start react native server.

  2. ensure in root directory of react native project, run application command-line: "$ react-native run-ios" (or choose other existing simulator, example react-native run-ios --simulator="iphone4s").

  3. after starting server, can prime react native debugger when application begins running. command palette (cmd-shift-p), launch "nuclide react native: start debugging".

  4. from simulator press cmd-d (ctrl-d on linux). bring debug options application. select "debug js remotely.

...after enable debugging simulated application, nuclide attach debugging process automatically, since primed debugger above.


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