2sxc - can not perform valueFIlter in visual query on boolean value -

here json data visual query returns no valuefilter:

{   "default": [     {       "title": "demo image",       "id": 2062,       "description": "<p>wonderful description goes here</p>",       "available": true,       "image": "/portals/29/gallery/image-holder.jpg",       "category": "landscapes"     },     {       "title": "second image",       "id": 2179,       "description": "<p>more info gallery item</p>",       "available": true,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/d_1cnvc7ok2xknwelffzxw/image/northeastwomensvids.jpeg",       "category": "landscapes"     },     {       "title": "krisis",       "id": 2191,       "description": "<p>super duper</p>",       "available": true,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/5lwmbohqru240jeahwvojg/image/11l202413a.jpg",       "category": "landscapes"     },     {       "title": "banff mountain",       "id": 2195,       "description": "<p>acrylic on canvas - 24-38 inches</p>",       "available": false,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/8rd59k5dikald8csgfgbia/image/cheryl_muth_painting-28.jpg",       "category": "landscapes"     },     {       "title": "dark mountain day",       "id": 2196,       "description": "<p>acrylic on canvas - 32x38 inches</p>",       "available": false,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/gnm6lv__su-3jsfxtfomiq/image/cheryl_muth_painting-32.jpg",       "category": "portraits"     },     {       "title": "jans painting",       "id": 2197,       "description": "<p>acrylic on canvas 45x33 inches</p>",       "available": true,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/3gvrbdwiuusrieqbro8nbq/image/jans_painting.jpg",       "category": "flowers"     }   ] } 

if add value filter visual query , specify attribute = category , value = landscapes, when test query landscapes items.

however problem when try perform value filter on available attribute. boolean field value yes no toggle in entry form.

if set valuefilter attribute category , value either "true/false" "yes/no" or "1/0" no records of kind.

can me figure out why can not perform valuefilter on boolean field.

i using latest release of 2sxc



it case issue.

when trying perform value filter in visual query on boolean / "yes-no" field, using lower case did not work.

for example had use true or false not true or false in value field filter. little misleading returned json results use lower case seen actual results below:

{   "default": [     {       "title": "banff mountain",       "id": 2195,       "description": "<p>acrylic on canvas - 24-38 inches</p>",       "available": false,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/8rd59k5dikald8csgfgbia/image/cheryl_muth_painting-28.jpg",       "category": "landscapes"     },     {       "title": "dark mountain day",       "id": 2196,       "description": "<p>acrylic on canvas - 32x38 inches</p>",       "available": false,       "image": "/portals/29/adam/image gallery/gnm6lv__su-3jsfxtfomiq/image/cheryl_muth_painting-32.jpg",       "category": "landscapes"     }   ] } 


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