scala - mapping an integer to an object in slick -

i using slick 3 scala , play , wondering how can transform, in table definition, id object.

let's have list of values similar enum in java , id database must correspond id defined in enum. it's similar having table in database referenced through id.

object x extends table[(int, string)]("x") {    ...   def typeid          = column[int]("type_id")   def type        = ... (aaa or bbb) // filled in type_id   ...  } 

in slick can define own projections (instead of usual apply/unapply of case classes) data in database objects , again. can use string define type in database.

your types might like:

sealed trait x case class aaa() extends x case class bbb() extends x 

then slick mapping this:

object xs extends table[x]("x") {   def typename = column[string]("type_name")   def tox(from: (string)): x = match {     case ("aaa") => aaa     case ("bbb") => bbb   }   def fromx(x: x): (string) = x match {     case aaa => ("aaa")     case bbb => ("bbb")   }   override def * = (typeid) <> (tox, fromx) } 


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