reactjs - defaultState of Redux store from API -

how can make default state of redux store data comes in api request?

i want make request this, pass returned data defaultstate when creating store:

const request = new xmlhttprequest();'get', '/api', true); request.onload = function load() {   if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {     const data = json.parse(this.response);   } else {     // reached our target server, returned error   } };   const store = createstore(rootreducer, defaultstate, enhancers); 

if you'd set asynchronously loaded state default, should try loading before starting application in index.js:

import reducer './reducer';  function asyncstateloadingfunction(callback) {   const request = new xmlhttprequest();'get', '/api', true);   request.onload = function load() {     if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {       callback(json.parse(this.response));     } else {       callback(null, 'error occured');     }   }; };  promise((resolve, reject) => {   asyncstateloadingfunction((result) => {     resolve(result);   }, (error) => {     throw new error(error);   }); }) .then((initialstate) => {   // note create redux store, routers etc   const store = createstore(reducer, initialstate);    reactdom.render(     <provider store={store}>       <app />     </provider>,     document.queryselector('#app')   ); }); 


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