php - Import CSV data and trigger column matching -

i'm having trouble finding solution - i've found plenty of guides on importing csv files via jquery and/or php, problem next step - need find way of importing csv data (ideally jquery php fine) starting column matching routine user can define column what, i.e. name/description/date etc.

anyone know of out-the-box solutions or how begin?

thanks in advance, graham

you may try below steps.

  • 1st form : in need allow csv file.
  • 2nd form : fetch first row(header) of uploaded csvfile. may columns of user

ex : user upload column d,e,f requirement need column name a,b,c

in case have 1 form in left hand side may show columns required validation. right hand side may show uploaded header(d,e,f)

user have choose =d or = e or = f once user choose columns , submit button press may validate columns , allow submit

once data has been submitted have check in php function column match column , based on need operations.


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