nzec error in codechef while writing code in python -

this code giving runtime error (nzec) when compile in codchef.

test_cases = int(raw_input()) result = 0 def output(x):     if(x/2 >= 2):         global result;         result += x/2 - 1;         output(x-2);     else:         print result;         result = 0;  while(test_cases > 0):     base = int(raw_input());     output(base);     test_cases = test_cases - 1; 

nzec error thrown code in codechef if there exception thrown. input not work c, c++ while using python on codechef -

you can use

import sys test_cases = 

now iterate on test_cases. more info here

also use sys.stdout.write() outputs rather print


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