javascript - html2canvas not working for pseudo element -

i working on saving image of div. div has pseudo element , come know html2canvas not support pseudo element.

how solve ? there other library save div image ?

i using below link create tree structure :
, want save image.

for purpose using html2canvas

$(document).ready(function() {   html2canvas($("#home1"), {     onrendered: function(canvas) {       var image = new image();       image.src = divbytearray;       document.getelementbyid('image').appendchild(image);        //;                 /* $("#test").attr('href', canvas.todataurl("image/png"));                     $("#test").attr('download', 'checkfile.png');                     $("#test")[0].click(); */     }   }); }); 

please don't put comment on function bracket. not putting whole function.
want know if there library save div image?

you can use html2canvas.js , canvas2image convert div canvas , convert image.


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