amazon web services - Ansible: Create instances in different subnets -

i'm trying use ansible create 2 instances, 1 each in 2 subnets using play below. i'm using exact_count tag name keep track of instances. there 2 issues here:

  1. ansible ends creating 2 instances in first subnet , reports [ok] second subnet.
  2. ansible doesn't seem care stopped instances. creates new instances, instead of starting existing ones, or atleast considering them part of group of instances.
  - name: create kafka instances     with_items:       - "{{ vpc_pvt_subnet_2 }}"       - "{{ vpc_pvt_subnet_1 }}"     ec2:           group: "{{ kafka_sg }}"         key_name: "{{ ec2_keypair }}"         region: "{{ region }}"         image: "{{ ami_id }}"         wait: true          instance_type: "{{ kafka_inst_type }}"         vpc_subnet_id: "{{ item }}"         instance_tags:           name: "kafka-instance"                   owner: data         exact_count: 2          count_tag:           name: "kafka-instance"       register: ec2 

can please tell me what's wrong playbook here?

assuming want create 1 ec2 instance in each subnet, 1 visible error in snippet provided value of exact_count should set 1 (not 2) because with_items loop run ec2 module twice in playbook. want each iteration create 1 instance.

next, answer according questions -

1] need specify zone parameter ec2 module. since zone dynamic according vpc_subnet_id, suggest following structure -

in vars -

subnets:   - { zone: "us-east-1a", vpc_pvt_subnet: "subnet-abcdafa5"}   - { zone: "us-east-1b", vpc_pvt_subnet: "subnet-zyxwvb51"} 

in ec2 task -

- name: "create kafka instances"   with_items: "{{ subnets }}"   ec2:     group: "{{ kafka_sg }}"     key_name: "{{ ec2_keypair }}"     region: "{{ region }}"     image: "{{ ami_id }}"     wait: true     instance_type: "{{ kafka_inst_type }}"     vpc_subnet_id: "{{ item.vpc_pvt_subnet }}"     zone: "{{ }}"     instance_tags:       name: "kafka-instance"       owner: "data"     exact_count: 1     count_tag:       name: "kafka-instance"   register: ec2 

2] yes, above way create new instance if instance exists in subnet "stopped" state if instance never existed. if want explicitly start "stopped" instances tags, can achieve passing state parameter new ec2 task - cannot use state , exact_count parameters in same task.

hope helps!


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