node.js - How can I set up a node app (ember app kit) on heroku that reads ENV variables and makes the values available to the application? -

okay, i'm new node, , using node server serve static js, can't find info on anywhere.

i'm running application ember app kit, gets built node server.js deploy, , heroku runs node server.js.

it uses grunt building, testing, etc.

i'd know how can specify configuration variables (i.e. authentication tokens) can overridden heroku config variables.

the closest i've been able custom task reads environment variables , writes out json file gets built site (and assigned global var). works locally, doesn't take account heroku configs.

i wrote deploy script gets heroku's configs, exports them environment variables locally, , build--which works, configs updated on app deploy. if heroku config:add config_test=test_value, app doesn't see value config_test until next time deploy app.

i'd app start embedding config value in browser js immediately.

any way node way app set up?

i not sure understand what's wrong taking config variables, @ run time, environment. use process.env.key in code, , embed result whatever template may have, , serve result.

when change heroku config variables process gets restarted, picks new values.

is problem fact serve static files? if -- can change use template engine processing on them before serving?


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