javascript - My meteor autoform wont submit, but there are no errors, what's wrong? -

i using couple of packages in meteor web app, including aldeed:autoform , aldeed:collection2. made schema , attached database. auto generated form it, includes submit button. submit button worked when first generated it, not when run meteor app not work once press submit. checked git linked folder , doesnt there have been changes made effect this. there way can debug autoform? i'm not sure do, great.

here relevant code in main.js file:

createlobby = new mongo.collection("createlobby");  createlobbyschema = new simpleschema({   game: {     type: string,     label: "game"   },   console: {     type: string,     label: "console"   },   players: {     type: number,     label: "players"   },   mic: {     type: boolean,     label: "mic"   },   note: {     type: string,     label: "note"   },   gamertag: {     type: string,     label: "gamertag"   } });  createlobby.attachschema( createlobbyschema );  meteor.subscribe("createlobby"); 

and on server main.js:

createlobby = new mongo.collection("createlobby");  createlobby.allow({   'insert': function (userid,doc) {     return true;   } });  meteor.publish("createlobby", function(){   return createlobby.find(); }); 

and html call it:

{{#autoform collection="createlobby" id="insertlobbyform"         type="insert"}}   <fieldset>     {{> afquickfield name="game"}}     {{> afquickfield name="console"}}     {{> afquickfield name="players"}}     {{> afquickfield name="mic"}}     {{> afquickfield name="note" rows=2}}     {{> afquickfield name="gamertag"}}     <div>       <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">submit</button>       <button type="reset" class="btn btn-default">reset</button>     </div>   </fieldset> {{/autoform}} 


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