javascript - Jquery var to php but do not return -

i have html form want send php javascript variables. these js vars not in form. how can both th php class?

below code have far.

$("#login_form").submit(function() {                 event.preventdefault();         $.post('../class/login.class.php',{             //.. serialized form data             screen:screen.width             //...ser             //...             },function(data){             alert(data);             window.location.href = "";         });     }); 

the screen variable ends in login.class.php when gets end of php file... returns above javascript function.

even when using header php returns javascript function. reads page , returns thats returned in there. echo $_post['hash']; header('location: ../index.php'); die();

only if use window.location.href = ""; in javascript can redirect correct page after processing javascript data in login.class.php file (redirecting correct page isn't reason i'm asking

how can send variables jquery / javascript php , continue there? aka not return (success) function variables send from.

if understand correctly want pass serialized form data plus jquery variables if that's case use serializearray()

var data = $('#myform').serializearray(); data.push({var1: 'value', var2: 'value'});  $.post("mypage.php", data); 


i think got trying do, if submit form using jquery ajax return success function because redirection in php redirect ajax request , not current "screen".in case try following (not 100% here goes): add hidden fields form say:

<form action="/class/login.class.php">     <!-- form content n stuff -->     <input id="var1" name="var1" type="hidden" value="somevalue" />     <button id="letsgo" type="submit">submit</button> </form>  $('#letsgo').click(function(e) {     e.preventdefault();     var form = $(this).closest('form');     $('#var1').val('dasvalue');     // replace many hidden inputs need     form.submit(); }); 

hope helps.


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