java - Read only the first 5 characters and discard rest -

i want read first 5 characters , discard rest eol character if stream contains more (in order start reading next line). here's tried:

private static final int read_count = 5;  public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception, interruptedexception{     bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(;     int readcharacters = 0;     int character;     do{         character =;         dojob();         if(++readcharacters >= read_count){             discardrest(reader);             break;         }     } while(character != '\n');      system.out.println((char); }  private static void discardrest(bufferedreader reader) throws ioexception {     while(true){         int character =;         if(character == '\n')             break;     }  }  public static void dojob() throws interruptedexception{     thread.sleep(1000); } 

it works, it's pain. , looks ugly hell. not quite sure if it's reliable. there better way achieve that?

i have made class of own:

public class skiplinebufferedreader extends bufferedreader {      public skiplinebufferedreader(reader in)      {         super(in);     }      public skiplinebufferedreader(reader in, int sz)      {         super(in, sz);     }      //return \n or -1 if eof     public int skipline() throws ioexception     {         int ch;                 {             ch = read();         }         while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n');          return ch;     } } 

that contains logic skip next line reading 1 char @ time.
beware in discardrest if reach eof before eol you'll loop forever.

the use of class above intuitive:

private static final int read_count = 5;   public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {     skiplinebufferedreader li          = new skiplinebufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(;      int readcharacters = 0;     int character;          {         character =;          system.out.println("job " + character);          if(++readcharacters >= read_count)         {             li.skipline();              break;         }     } while(character != '\n');      system.out.println((char); } 

i don't know if need more specific methods, 1 convert first characters string, bufferedreader has read(char[] cbuf) , read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) handy deal strings.

beware of dealing string when reading user files, cannot assume there @ least 5 characters, blind substring throws.


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