Installing Ruby on Rails from Source - cannot load such file -- openssl -

i on mac, using lion. configuring system ruby on rails development ran issues. instead of using brew or other shortcuts want configure ruby on rails source. so, here did.

installed ruby 2.0

  • downloaded source ruby website
  • compiled running following code:

    ./configure --prefix=/users/user/applications/ruby2


    make install

  • and made sure $path file updated point /users/user/applications/ruby2/bin

so, able call ruby -v or if which ruby point custom compiled version of ruby.

installed node.js

  • downloaded source main website
  • compiled running following code:

    ./configure --prefix=/users/user/applications/nodejs


    make install

  • and made sure $path file updated point /users/user/applications/nodejs/bin

so, able call node -v or if which node point custom compiled version of ruby.

i did same steps openssl , accessible console or if which openssl points /users/user/application/openssl/bin

but still when execute gem install rails still following error:

error:  loading command: install (loaderror)     cannot load such file -- openssl error:  while executing gem ... (nomethoderror)     undefined method `invoke_with_build_args' nil:nilclass 

any idea why?

system specs

  • mac lion 10.8.4
  • openssl 1.0.1e 11 feb 2013
  • ruby 2.0.0p291
  • nodejs v0.10.15

i managed solve problem doing following. main problem step followed compile openssl itself.

since on 64 bit machine, had configure openssl running following command first

./configure --prefix=/users/user/applications/openssl darwin64-x86_64-cc ./make ./make install 

and recompile ruby such

./configure --prefix=/users/user/applications/ruby2 --with-openssl-dir=/users/user/applications/openssl ./make ./make install 

note: though while compiling ruby might say... option --with-openssl-dir not valid or not exist, ignore that.


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