deployment - Error running Python on OpsWorks with Chef + Berkshelf -

i'm trying python 2.7 working on opsworks instance keep running errors starting up.

my opswork stack set chef version 11.10 , berkshelf version 3.2.0.

my metadata.rb has following in it:

depends           "poise-python" depends           "apt", ">= 1.8.2" 

my berksfile set with:

source ""  cookbook 'poise-python' cookbook 'apt' 

every time launch keep getting following error , i'm not sure how resolve it:

halite not compatible no_lazy_load false, please set no_lazy_load true in chef configuration file.

i tried adding chef/configuration.rb file set no_lazy_load true doesn't seem working. frankly i'm new opsworks , chef may missing basic.

more info

the stack i'm taking on referenced python instead of poise-python had switched resolve different error (but, guess, related) when tried run that:

this resource written chef 12.5 custom resources, , requires @ least chef 12.0 used compat_resource cookbook, not work chef 11.x clients, , users must pin cookbooks older versions or upgrade.

i tried pinning older version of python still couldn't work. basically, know instance can run (previous maintainer had going) i'm not sure i'm missing.

after googling, figured out how make work without upgrading chef version. added following line berksfile:

cookbook 'build-essential', '= 3.2.0' 


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