c - Force 32 bits compilation in MSVC 2010 commandline -

is there option specify in msvc 2010 commandline executable force 32-bits compilation? if so, it?

thanks advance force help,


commandline compiling 32bit needs additional /d "win32"

this define win32. macros int_ptr interpreted differently 64-bit versus 32-bit. example, int_ptr defined follows:

#if defined(_win64)     typedef __int64 int_ptr, *pint_ptr; //64bit     ... #else     typedef _w64 int int_ptr, *pint_ptr; //32bit     ... #endif 

in addition, link option 64-bit includes /machine:x64

for 32-bit must changed /machine:x86

in visual studio can create sample project, in project properties shows commandline option c/c++ compile , link.


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