android - SeekBar Holo Theme using Support Library -

i using android support library v4 , v7 fragments, swipe-able view pagers, , actionbar! works , graphics nice!

however while graphics above nice , consistent in android 2.x , android 4.x, common widgets different between versions. leads colours mismatch inside app otherwise consistent ui - no matter draw in rest of ui, either yellow seekbar or blue seekbar won't match something.

i thought whole point of support library consistent ui across platforms, , stop needing 3rd party libraries such actionbarsherlock or holoeverywhere!

i can't seem find whether how google wants seekbar or doing wrong:

my seekbar looks quite nice on android 4.x: 

my seekbar looks quite nice on android 4.x

alas, same seekbar looks dated on android 2.x: 

alas, same seekbar looks dated on android 2.x

i can't seem find whether how google wants seekbar or doing wrong:

nope, you're not doing wrong. it's working intended. if want consistency ui elements across different android versions, need use actionbarsherlock , optionally holoeverywhere.

another option android holo colors generator. can pick , choose widgets want color , generate ics themed assets , styles you. can add them project needed.


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