ruby - How to organize Rails app where each customer has it's own specific gem list? -

i'm creating architecture of app , trying find best one. few words it:

  • box solution (each app installed on customer's machine)
  • there main app , gems extend (private)
  • main app has default list of gem
  • other functionality extending adding additional gems request (our gems)

but customers no need full functionality, don't need include gems it's gemfile.

what best way organize it? think way? maybe can offer more effective way?

you may want consider making "main app" or core functionality a mountable engine , not rails application.

that means packing controllers, models, , routes gem added stock rails application customized specific customer. how cms:es refinery , radiant structured.

this allows full freedom each "box" have whatever settings , gems wants. important if intend let clients self host (which nightmare).

it makes developing , updating core easier bundler resolve gem dependencies. add "default" gems dependencies of mountable engine gem.

if want make creating/updating/developing individual apps easier set git forks of "template" application.


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