R Shiny Download Handler Cant Read in other Output in the Server -

i trying use downloadhandler function in r shiny app , encounter erorr.

relevant bit of server.r:

   shinyserver(function(input, output, process) {      output$week1day1<-dt::renderdatatable({       bench  <- input$bench.input       squat  <- input$squat.input       dl     <- input$dl.input        ex1    <- input$day1main       ex2    <- input$day1acc1       ex3    <- input$day1acc2       ex4    <- input$day1ass1       ex5    <- input$day1ass2        pr1    <- input$week1day1ex1pr/100       pr2    <- input$week1day1ex2pr/100       pr3    <- input$week1day1ex3pr/100       w4     <- input$week1day1ex4pr       w5     <- input$week1day1ex5pr        if(grepl("squat",ex1)){       w1 <- pr1*squat       }        if(grepl("bench",ex1)){         w1 <- pr1*bench       }        if(grepl("deadlift",ex1)){         w1 <- pr1*dl       }       ###       if(grepl("squat",ex2)){         w2 <- pr2*squat       }        if(grepl("bench",ex2)){         w2 <- pr2*bench       }        if(grepl("deadlift",ex2)){         w2 <- pr2*dl       }       ###       if(grepl("squat",ex3)){         w3 <- pr3*squat       }        if(grepl("bench",ex3)){         w3 <- pr3*bench       }        if(grepl("deadlift",ex3)){         w3 <- pr3*dl       }        table1<-   data.frame(exercise=c(ex1,ex2,ex3,ex4,ex5),                  sets=sets.week1,                  reps=reps.week1.day1,                  weight=c(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5))                  dt::datatable(table1,options = list(bfilter=0, bsort=0, bprocessing=0, bpaginate=0, binfo=0))      }) output$downloaddata <- downloadhandler(  filename <- paste("program", '.csv', sep=''),  content  <- function(file) {  write.csv(week1day1(), file)   } )  }) 

the relevant bit of ui.r:

fluidrow(downloadbutton('downloaddata', 'download')) 

i following error:

could not find function "week1day1" 

i appreciate or pointers in right direction!

minimal working example of server.r:

shinyserver(function(input, output, process) {  week1day1<- reactive({   bench  <- input$bench.input   squat  <- input$squat.input   dl     <- input$dl.input    ex1    <- input$day1main   ex2    <- input$day1acc1   ex3    <- input$day1acc2   ex4    <- input$day1ass1   ex5    <- input$day1ass2    pr1    <- input$week1day1ex1pr/100   pr2    <- input$week1day1ex2pr/100   pr3    <- input$week1day1ex3pr/100   w4     <- input$week1day1ex4pr   w5     <- input$week1day1ex5pr    if(grepl("squat",ex1)){   w1 <- pr1*squat   }    if(grepl("bench",ex1)){     w1 <- pr1*bench   }    if(grepl("deadlift",ex1)){     w1 <- pr1*dl   }   ###   if(grepl("squat",ex2)){     w2 <- pr2*squat   }    if(grepl("bench",ex2)){     w2 <- pr2*bench   }    if(grepl("deadlift",ex2)){     w2 <- pr2*dl   }   ###   if(grepl("squat",ex3)){     w3 <- pr3*squat   }    if(grepl("bench",ex3)){     w3 <- pr3*bench   }    if(grepl("deadlift",ex3)){     w3 <- pr3*dl   }    table1<-   data.frame(exercise=c(ex1,ex2,ex3,ex4,ex5),              sets=sets.week1,              reps=reps.week1.day1,              weight=c(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5))           # delete these line , add options part @ end of renderdatatable below           #   dt::datatable(table1,options = list(bfilter=0, bsort=0, bprocessing=0, bpaginate=0, binfo=0))  })    output$week1day1display<-dt::renderdatatable({   return(week1day1()) }, options = list(bfilter=0, bsort=0, bprocessing=0, bpaginate=0, binfo=0))   # options added  output$downloaddata <- downloadhandler(  filename <- paste("program", '.csv', sep=''),  content  <- function(file) {  write.csv(week1day1(), file)      # here had week1day1display() instead of week1day1()   } )  }) 


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