python - Edit a piece of data inside a csv -

i have csv file looking this

34512340,1 12395675,30 56756777,30 90673412,45 12568673,25 22593672,25 

i want able edit data after comma python , save csv.

does know how able this? bit of code below write new line, not edit:

f = open("stockcontrol","a") f.write(code) 

here sample, adds 1 second column:

import csv  open('data.csv') infile, open('output.csv', 'wb') outfile:     reader = csv.reader(infile)     writer = csv.writer(outfile)     row in reader:         # transform second column, row[1]         row[1] = int(row[1]) + 1         writer.writerow(row) 


  • the csv module correctly parses csv file--highly recommended
  • by default, each row parsed text, why converted integer: int(row[1])


if want edit file "in place", use fileinput module:

import fileinput  line in fileinput.input('data.csv', inplace=true):     fields = line.strip().split(',')     fields[1] = str(int(fields[1]) + 1)  # "update" second column     line = ','.join(fields)     print line  # write line file, in place 


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