php - How Do I JOIN a third Table called all_recipes using recipe_id KEY -

select cou.recipe_id, ifnull(fou.found, 0) found, cou.count  ( select recipe_id, count(recipe_id) count          recipe_ingredients          group recipe_id) cou left outer join ( select r.recipe_id, count(r.key_ingredient) found         users_ingredients u         join recipe_ingredients r on r.key_ingredient = u.key_ingredient         group r.recipe_id) fou on fou.recipe_id = cou.recipe_id 

i need join 3 tables - well, 4 in end. can please show me how can , explain how keep joining when required later. have 4 or more tables. many

credit @arulkumar above

i don't understand sql but, join table need this.

select,  recipe  left join all_recipes on =  


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